Visual tips

Use of italics in Vem's default color schema

vem-dark, the default color scheme of Vem, provides support for syntax highlighting with italic fonts. Since not all terminal emulators support displaying italic text, this option is disabled by default. If your terminal can display italic characters, then you may enable this feature by adding this to your vemrc file:

let g:vem_colors_italic = 1
colorscheme vem-dark

vem_colors_italic is the variable that controls if the feature is enabled (1) or disabled(0). The second line reloads the color scheme to make the change effective.

Mark maximum column limit for your code

Many programming coding styles establish a maximum width for code. This is, typically, set to 80, 100, 120 or even more characters. By default, Vem always displays the column the cursor is at, which may allow you to know if you have surpassed or not the column limit. However, it can be useful to see that limit at all times. To do so, you can use the colorcolum option:

set colorcolumn=80

Highlight current line

Some people like to have the line where the cursor is currently placed highlighted. That is exactly what the option cursorline does:

set cursorline

In Vem's default color scheme, setting this option changes the background of the current line to a lighter color.

Show file type icons next to filenames

Vem can show an icon next to each filename in the tabline thanks to the vim-devicons plugin.


Follow this page for instructions on how to enable them.