
Vem's main configuration file is located at ~/.config/vem/vemrc. (The actual path of the ~/.config directory may depend on the value of the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable in your system).

This is a minimal content example that you can use as base for your own configuration:

# Set your keyboard layout. Values: 'qwerty', 'qwertz', 'azerty'
let g:vem_layout = 'qwerty'

# Set intentation
# Use 'expandtab' for spaces, 'noexpandtab' for tabs
# You normaly want to set the same indentation size in all options below
set expandtab
set tabstop=4
set softtabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4

# Display tab characters and trailing whitespace in lines
set listchars=tab:»\ ,trail:·
set list

# Change cursor shape depending on the active mode
# (Uncomment only for Vim in modern terminals -Neovim supports it natively)
# let &t_EI = "\e[1 q"
# let &t_SI = "\e[5 q"

# Use 24-bit colors (uncomment only in modern terminals)
# set termguicolors

# Display cursive fonts (uncomment only in modern terminals)
# let g:vem_colors_italic = 1

# Use Unicode characters (uncomment only in terminals with Unicode support)
# let g:vem_tabline_left_arrow = '◀'
# let g:vem_tabline_right_arrow = '▶'

Feel free to modify the values to fit them to your needs and uncomment the options that you want to enable. Using the sidebar links, you can get more information about these options as well as about many others.

Apart from the ones listed in this section of the documentation you can use any of the extensive list of Vim's options to configure the editor. Check :help options for a complete list.